Tuesday 21 May 2019

Health benefits associated with coffee consumption

Beyond boosting energy, helping you focus, and even preventing yawns in the middle of a business meeting, research has found a myriad of instances when a coffee habit may have some protective health benefits.

“Coffee is the number one source of antioxidants in the human diet — yes, even over wine and tea,”

“Aside from the caffeine giving you an early-morning energy buzz, those high levels of antioxidants can help protect your body from damage caused by free radicals, as well as fight off disease,” 

And the list of potential diseases and conditions that are less common in coffee drinkers is long.

According to survey, it is found that regular coffee consumption lowered a person’s risk for developing prostate cancer.

“Daily consumption of three cups of coffee, whether caffeinated or decaffeinated, was associated with a 17 percent Trusted Source lower risk for all-cause mortality compared to no coffee intake,” 

“Caffeinated coffee also conveyed lower risks for cardiovascular disease and stroke with the highest benefits being seen in those consuming between three to five cups per day.”

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